Homemade Solutions: Anti Fog For Goggles Made by You

Preventing Goggles from Fogging Up: Anti-Fog Solutions

Every musician, athlete, and outdoor enthusiast knows how frustrating it can be to keep goggles from fogging up. Even if you're engaged in a rapid activity like skiing, skateboarding, or playing an instrument, your goggles may not be able to keep up. Goggles fog up when your body's water vapor meets the cold exterior, reducing visibility and significantly inhibiting vision.

The biggest issue is the difference between temperatures inside and outside your eye protection. A temperature differential of 10F causes much of the fogging, and adding moisture can intensify it. To prevent this, you'll want to keep your goggles warm without overheating them, as a layer of condensation around the edges or even a complete covering of fog can quickly reduce visibility. If you don't maintain the temperature differential, your goggles may fog up.

Fortunately, there are a few options to combat fogging. Pre-treated, commercial anti-fog lenses offer a one-time solution, though they can wear off with time and frequent exposure to moisture. Additionally, various chemical solutions are available to spray directly onto lenses. Some come with special applicators, or wipes for easy application. It's important to take caution when using these products, however, as they could affect the color and clarity of the lenses.

Fortunately, you can also create anti-fog solution at home using common household items. A popular option is to mix rubbing alcohol and liquid dish soap in a 3:1 ratio and apply it to the lenses. You can use a soft cloth to evenly spread the solution over the lens, let it sit for a minute, then rinse it off. Additionally, saliva can be used as a temporary anti-fog solution. However, this should be applied sparingly, as the proteins in your saliva will eventually break down the lenses.

Regular maintenance will help keep your goggles clear and clean. After use, use a soft cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the lenses and frame. To go the extra mile, bolden the edges of the lens with a cloth to minimize static, which attracts dust and smudges. Finally, store your goggles in a well-ventilated, dry area when not in use to keep them free from dust, dirt, and moisture.

Manufacturers are increasingly using anti-fog technologies to their aid in reducing fogging. Many skiiing and snorkeling masks feature ventilated lenses to promote convection currents away from the face, while others may contain hydrophilic coatings to disperse moisture.

Here are some of our top recommendations for anti-fog solutions and prevention solutions for your goggles:

  • Dragon Rapid Goggles Combining innovation and convenience, these goggles feature a new patented vent technology to create a closed-circuit airflow system that prevents fogging.
  • Smith Optics Gator Pro Engineered to keep your goggles fog-free for up to 19 days after application, Smith Optics Gator Pro tackles all your anti-fog needs.
  • Tifosi Optics Featuring adjustable lenses and multi-position vents, these goggles offer superior clarity and a wide range of functionality.

When using anti-fog solutions, it's important to take precautions. Make sure to use products that are designed specifically for reducing fog. DIY solutions can be effective, but they're not guaranteed to be safe for use on all lenses and could cause irreparable damage. It's also important to include proper ventilation in your eye protection, as an air-tight fit can cause fogging.

Fogging up goggles can be a huge annoyance and can reduce visibility and impede your effort and enjoyment. Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions available to keep your goggles clean and fog-free, from commercial anti-fog solutions to homemade solutions. With some care and maintenance, you can have clear, fog-free vision all day long.